It is sometimes so easy for us to get blinded by our situations and circumstances. So easy to forget the goodness of the Lord.

But as I look back at my life, with all of its up and downs, I can clearly see the hand of the Lord in my life.

No wonder David writes: 

Many, Lord my God,
are the wonders you have done,
the things you planned for us.
None can compare with you;
were I to speak and tell of your deeds,
they would be too many to declare. (Psalm 40:5)

I sometimes forget just how good God has been to me over the course of the last 34 years – and in many ways the story of God’s move in my life has only just begun.

God saved me from the darkness of addiction. He pulled me from the jaws of death. Jesus took me from the miry clay and placed me on the solid ground of His love, mercy and grace.

But those are the big things.

As I write this I am reminded of all the smaller things the Lord does on a daily basis. How He moves people to reach out when I am feeling discouraged, a hug or a message at the right time.

How He provides – daily – and sees to every need. Every grain of rice, every slice of bread. 

How He guides – divine appointments, encounters and meetings that can only be seen as God moments.

How He heals – everything from the common cold and an upset tummy to our deepest grief, despair and sorrow.

If I were to start, just like David, telling of all His wonders I would never stop.

So, in writing this today I don’t have much to share in the way of words – but gratitude – so much gratitude. 

Where would I be but for the grace and love of Jesus?

I want to encourage you today. If you are feeling down, if you are feeling discouraged – Jesus is the way maker and the miracle worker – and He is preparing Your breakthrough.

He has never put to shame anyone who trusts in Him. Just rest in Him.

Pray with me: Lord, as I go about my day today, let me be mindful of Your hand in my life. Let me not forget that You move, not only in the roar of the oceans and the crumbling of mountains, but also in the small things. Let Your love not go unnoticed in my life today. In Jesus name. Amen.