Praise You Anywhere

Praise You Anywhere

“Sometimes you’ve gotta dance through the darkness
Sing through the fire
Praise when it don’t make sense
Sometimes you’ve gotta stare down the giant
Worship from the lion’s den”

Praise You Anywhere, Brandon Lake


“I will extol the Lord at all times;
    his praise will always be on my lips.
 I will glory in the Lord;
    let the afflicted hear and rejoice.”

Psalm 34:1-2, NIV

We praise God – not only for what He has done – but for what He might do.

We praise God on the mountain, and in the valley, in harvest time and in times of barrenness.

Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses – but I choose to trust in the Name of the Lord. He has never failed, and He won’t start now!

So, like David we give Him thanks and magnify His Name at all times – even at our lowest – for as we lift up praise He will lift our Spirits. His joy becomes our strength!

Habakkuk poured out his complaints before the Lord – mourned the ungodliness of his people, poured out his grief over the wrongdoings and the injustice of the nations, and his anger at those mocking and scoffing at the Lord.

He asks, like many before and after him – oh Lord, how long will You look on and do nothing?

But just like with Job and David the Lord answered Habbakuk – and we see a change in attitude.

It doesn’t matter what our circumstances are, it doesn’t matter what situation we find ourselves in – we are called to worship and praise the Lord.

Worship is the means through which we turn our eyes away from our complaints and circumstances towards the Saviour, Redeemer and Love of our Souls. Worship is the means through which we turn our eyes and set them upon the face and grace of the Mighty One who saves.

Habakkuk ends with a song of praise. In this song (Hab. 3) the prophet is not only giving God praise for what He has done but rather looks towards what God will do (v. 16).

We have, in His Word, promises from the very Heart of the Almighty.

Just like God answered Habakkuk with the promise of victory and deliverance – so God answers our every fear and complaint through the promises found in His Word.

Our response then is to praise God, even in the storm and in the midst of the battlefield.

We praise Him for what He has done – but we also praise Him for what He will do.

This is a theme we see expressed in the Psalms and the Prophets. We even see this in the Immaculate Conception when John the Baptist rejoices in his mothers womb (Luke 1:41-44).

The victory has already been conceived – even if it has not been birthed yet – we can rejoice in knowing that it will come! We can rejoice in knowing that no word that God has spoken will return to Him void and that His promises are yes and amen!

So, rejoice today! Let His praise be upon our lips! Even in the midst of the storm, even in the heat of battle, in the flood and fire, while staring down giants in the valley and while climbing that mountain! Let us praise the Lord for what He has done! Let us praise the Lord for what He will do!

Prayer: Lord, today I praise You for Your faithfulness! There is no shadow of turning with You! What You have spoken will not return to You empty! I thank You Lord that I can stand on the promises found in Your Word! I thank You are the rewarder of my faith and that the reward is more of You. Let Your will unfold in my life. Let me not be distracted by situations or circumstances, but may my eyes be set steadfast and firm upon the Rock of my Salvation. In Jesus Name. Amen.







The Feast of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus

The Feast of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus

lLuke 2:21 CSB

When the eight days were completed for his circumcision, he was named Jesus—the name given by the angel before he was conceived.

The Feast of the Holy Name, often celebrated as a part of the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, is celebrated on varying dates in January.

In holding with my own Protestant roots, we will be using the Lutheran Liturgical Calendar which celebrates this special occasion on the 1st of January every year.

The Bible tells us that eight days after His birth, in holding with Jewish tradition, our Lord was circumcised and given the Name of Jesus – the Name given by an angel unto Mary before He was conceived.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia: “It is the central feast of all the mysteries of Christ the Redeemer; it unites all the other feasts of the Lord, as a burning glass focuses the rays of the sun in one point, to show what Jesus is to us, what He has done, is doing, and will do for mankind.” (Holweck, F. (1910). Feast of the Holy Name. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.)

I like the idea of celebrating this Holy Day on the first day of the New Year – being mindful of the Name given to Christ on the day of His circumcision. I like the idea of taking a moment – making a day – out of thinking about the beauty and the power of the Name given to us – the Name Above Every Name!

The Name of Jesus literally means “God Saves” – this is the purpose of Christ come – He is very much the Right Arm of the Lord stretched out to pull us out of the misery and torment of our fallen state.

He is the Name Above Every Name, the Name above every situation – bigger than all our problems, our sin, shame and circumstances. His Name is higher than our sickness, stronger than the chains that hold us back – His Name is beautiful. His Name is powerful. His Name if wonderful.

The Name of Jesus is peace. His Name is comfort. His Name is healing. His Name is deliverance. His Name is compassion. His Name is love – the Great Love that reconciles us with God.

The other half of this feast – The Feast of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus – is of course centered on His circumcision.

It is, by all accounts, the first time that Jesus shed His blood for us – perhaps not to reconcile us to God, perhaps not for the remittance of sin – but rather to confirm that God Himself stepped down from His exalted throne to meet us in the form of helpless babe. It confirms the humanity of Christ.

It also represents, not only His obedience, but also His fulfillment of the Law – and of the covenant that God made with Abraham.

Colossians 2:9–15 CSB

For the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ, and you have been filled by him, who is the head over every ruler and authority. You were also circumcised in him with a circumcision not done with hands, by putting off the body of flesh, in the circumcision of Christ, when you were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead. And when you were dead in trespasses and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, he made you alive with him and forgave us all our trespasses. He erased the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it away by nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and disgraced them publicly; he triumphed over them in him.

There is a beautiful mystery in His circumcision. His flesh was circumcised so that those who would call upon the Holy Name and follow His commands would not be lost to eternal damnation, but resurrected with Him – His law written upon their hearts and circumcised through the baptism and  indwelling  of His Spirit.

His flesh was circumcised so that our hearts may be cut with the New Covenant in His Name.

So, let us take this day, the start of the New Year, and circumcise our hearts – let us cut away every distraction, every hindrance, every obstacle – let us repent, by putting off the body of flesh and its desires, and set our eyes upon the King set in Zion.

Let us call on the Holy Name today, let us turn our eyes afresh upon Jesus . Let us go into this New Year with His Name upon our lips and His mark upon our hearts – and let this New Year be a testimony of His goodness, His grace, His Mercy and His love for all the world to see.


Something to think about:

What practical steps can we take to ‘circumcise our hearts’ as we enter the New Year? What are some distractions or hindrances you need to cut away in your life to focus more on Christ?

Something to do:

Special occasions such as this are a great opportunity for us to think about Jesus, who He is and what He has done – but we need to cultivate a lifestyle of mindfully and intentionally pursuing Christ. Perhaps, in an effort to cultivate this mindfulness, you might create a ‘Jesus Centre’ in your home – a small space with your favourite Bible, some devotional books and a journal where you can spend time in prayer, study and reflection. You can make a point of setting weekly, or even daily reminders to visit this space, switching off your phone and spending time with Him – even if it is just for five minutes. It will not only help you cultivate an attitude of mindful and intentional seeking – it will change your life!

Tabernacle Typology 11: Precious Stones

Tabernacle Typology 11: Precious Stones

Exodus 39:10-13, KJV:

And they set in it four rows of stones: the first row was a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this was the first row. And the second row, an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond. And the third row, a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. And the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper: they were inclosed in ouches of gold in their inclosings.”

The priest wore a garment called an ephod. Along with the ephod he wore a heavy breastplate decorated with precious stones. These stones were called ‘stones of remembrance’ and were engraved with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.

These stones were carried on the shoulders of the high priest – the high priest carried the burden of their sins upon his shoulders.

There is much debate as to the specific stones used, and what each individual stone might mean or represent – but what can be said for sure is that they symbolised the twelve tribes.

In a broader sense they symbolise all of humanity and the church. (1 Peter 2:4-5) Each stone was unique – no stone was used twice – it represents all the unique nations of the world. It represents your uniqueness as a child of God.

You are one of a kind to God. There is only one of you.

And just as the names were engraved upon the stones set in the breastplate of judgement (as it was called), so too your name is engraved on your own stone upon His breastplate of righteousness.

Your name is engraved in the palm of His hand – not just written and waiting to fade away – but engraved.

Your name is engraved upon His heart.

Jesus carried the burden of your sin, the burden of your shame and the burden of your sorrow upon His shoulders.

Just like the stones were taken from the earth through hard labour, hewn out of the rock, so too God – through Jesus Christ – struck a blow to the hard bedrock of sin and iniquity to get you out.

Just like these stones are precious to man, even more so, you are precious to Him.

At the time these were the most valuable jewels the Israelites possessed – bought from merchants traveling through, merchants from far off lands – so too you have been redeemed.

Valuable to God.

Just as the high priest felt the burden of these stones while making intercession for the nation of Israel, so too Christ felt the burden of our sin and remembered us upon the cross.

Our Cornerstone and Solid Rock of our Salvation – the Foundation of our Faith – these stones taken from the heart of the earth represent Christ’s heart for us.

You are loved. You are redeemed – you are His – precious and valuable to Him.


1. These stones, set in the breastplate, would signify a great burden – the burden of a nation’s sin and iniquity. In our own lives we often feel the burden of our own sin and iniquity – do you have any heaviness in you? How can you let go of it today?

2. Read 1 Peter 5:8-9. These stones were called ‘stones of remembrance’ and served to remind the high priest of the importance of the intercession he was making. What does intercession look like to you? What role does it play in your life?

Prayer: Lord, how wonderful to know that my name is engraved upon Your heart – that You took my burden of sin and sorrow upon You and paid the price for all of it. I thank You Lord for Your mercy, grace and great love. As I look upon the beauty of Your sacrifice, Lord, let my heart be transformed – break my heart for what breaks Yours! Polish me Lord, like a precious stone – make me more like You. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Walking With Jesus Part 8: The Evening Crowd

Walking With Jesus Part 8: The Evening Crowd

That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. The whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.”

Mark 1:32-34, NIV

After hearing about the cleansing of the demon possessed man in the synagogue of Capernaum, and possibly the testimony of Simon’s mother-in-law, the whole town seemed to show up at Simon Peter’s house.

They brought their sick and demon possessed.

The Bible says the people waited until the evening – so once the Sabbath had ended. Although keeping the Sabbath was an instruction from God Himself, the law had twisted it into something other than God had intended.

Where it was supposed to be a day of resting in the Lord, it had become a day of restriction and bondage – Jesus did many ‘controversial’ things on the Sabbath, but He never broke God’s law regarding the Sabbath, only the Pharisee’s interpretation of this law.

The Sabbath was supposed to be a day of refreshment and renewal, benefit and blessing.

It is significant that, as the day ended, the people brought there sick and possessed to find freedom. They were moving out of the position of resting in their own understanding and into the true rest of God – that place where our afflictions melt away in the glorious light of His mercy, grace and love.

Jesus came to give us rest (Hebrews 4) – the true rest of God. This rest implies freedom from those things that burden us – our affliction, our malady, our illness and infirmity.

The rest of God implies freedom from the shackles and torment of sin and iniquity – and silence to the voices in our head – the voices of fear, doubt, anxiety and insecurity.

God came to restore us – soul, body and spirit – a complete work of redemption and renewal.

Another interesting point is the fact that we see, for the second time in this chapter, Jesus commanding the demons to be quiet – because they knew who He was…

The first time is in the synagogue, and now at Simon’s house we see a pattern.

Why did Jesus command the demons to be quiet?

The first reason is that the time for the full revelation of who He is was still to come. Jesus did not want it made known publicly to the people – He did not want them to be confused as to His role and the purpose of His coming.

John McKinnon shares the following in his commentary on Mark: “Jesus needed to lead people gradually into the fuller meaning of his redemptive mission and how it would be fulfilled in practice. People needed to convert, to change their assumptions and to question the accepted wisdom, if they were to understand him and the Kingdom he would introduce. Jesus needed to keep strictly in check the destructive conclusions of the forces of evil; so he insistently silenced the demons.”

The other reason that Jesus silenced the demons testimony of Him is found in a commentary by Calvin: “He refused to have, as heralds and witnesses of his divinity, those whose praise could have no other effect than to soil and injure His character. This latter reason is undoubtedly true: for He must have known, that the prince of death, and his agents, are in a state of irreconcileable enmity with the Author of eternal salvation and life.”

Demons were known as lying and deceitful spirits. Vile and evil beings. Christ would have no association or perceived familiarity with them – the ignorant Galileans could easily misunderstand, as we see later in Mark chapter 3 – when the scribes accuse Him of being possessed by Beelzebub.

Jesus comes to address the things that attack and affect us spiritually, but also physically.

In saying this it is also important to note that there is a clear distinction made here between demonic afflictions and everyday physical illness. Not all physical illness is a spiritual attack – often it is just the consequence of the fallen state of our natural world.

A final observation is that Jesus healed the sick and drove out demons to restore people to community. Those suffering from illness or possession were often ostracised and excluded from society because of their perceived sinfulness. These people – healed and cleansed – would now be allowed to see their families again, they would now be allowed to go back home, to get jobs, to partake in public life – Jesus does not just restore us to good health and sound mind, but also restores us to community – communion with Him and with our neighbours.


1. Jesus focused on bringing those who were excluded from public life back into community. How can we reach out to those who are ostracised and rejected? Where might be a good place to start?

2. Why is it important to keep the Sabbath – or a specific day on which we rest in the Lord? What are some of the benefits of practising the spiritual discipline of rest?

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that Your heart and mind for us has always been restoration. Lord, restore me – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. And as I am restored give me opportunities to share this hope with others, so that they too might find You and be restored in body, soul and spirit. Give me wisdom in how to reach out to those who are often overlooked, so that they might be restored to community in the fellowship of Your Body. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Tabernacle Typology 10: Incense

Tabernacle Typology 10: Incense

Exodus 30:34-35, KJV:

“And the Lord said unto Moses, Take unto thee sweet spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum; these sweet spices with pure frankincense: of each shall there be a like weight: And thou shalt make it a perfume, a confection after the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy…”

According to the Lord’s command, incense was made for burning on the golden altar within the Sanctuary.

It was made of equal quantities of stacte, galbanum, onycha and frankincense.

Frankincense: Considered a sign of wealth and prosperity, it was a very costly substance in ancient times. It was and still is widely used in many religious and spiritual practices around the world.

The plant it is derived from – Boswellia Sacra – grows in some of the most harsh and arid regions in the world.

The frankincense speaks of the divinity of Jesus. It is the divinity of Jesus that is worthy of all worship and adoration.

As frankincense is used symbolically in the Bible to represent our prayers (eg. Revelation 5) it is also typical of His priesthood and represents His intercession for us on the cross.

Stacte: ‘Stacte’ is a Greek word meaning ‘oozing substance’. The Hebrew word used here is ‘Nataph’ which is translated as ‘drop’ and can mean ‘to distil’. Many scholars believe that this refers to a type of distilled myrrh. Another strong contender is the resin from the storax tree.

Storax is a medicinal shrub. In ancient times its resin was a popular additive to all kinds of incense.

Jewish tradition, however, holds that ‘Stacte’ was synonymous with opobalsamum – a rare type of myrrh found growing wild in Yemen, Mecca and Israel. The first-century rabbi Gamliel said, “Stacte is simply the sap that drips from the tapping of the wood of the balsam tree” (Kerithot 6a).

The balsam tree is also where the famous healing Balm of Gilead was derived from.

Besides its many medicinal uses, it was also a highly volatile, flammable substance.

As the incense is typical of our worship of Christ, the stacte typifies the spread of the Gospel through the Spirit after the resurrection – it spread like wildfire!

The sweet stacte released upon the Cross, through the piercing of Jesus(much like the trees were ‘wounded’ to procure the resin) and the power of His sacrifice, caught fire in the hearts of believers everywhere and continues to catch a flame – continues to burn throughout the ages – releasing the fragrant offering of our praise.

Onycha: Derived from the operculum of certain sea snails – it resembles a fingernail and is a sort of secreted plate that closes the aperture of the shell when the snail is retracted – sort of like a trap door.

These little plates would be removed, cleaned and soaked in either fermented caper berry juice or white wine, before being crushed into a powder for use in perfumes and incense.

Christ was crushed for our iniquities (Isa 53:5) – the sweet, fragrant sacrifice of our Lord is a main ingredient in the incense of our praise and worship.

Galbanum: Commonly used in the ‘green’ incense of the ancient Egyptians, galbanum offered a very bitter, acrid and peculiar smell, before changing to a very complex spicy and balsam-like fragrance similar to green apples and musk.

According to the French Rabbi Rashi, the resin of the galbanum flower was an intentional additive to the incense because of its bitter taste – to serve as a reminder of our sin as people.

Kris Valloton is quoted as saying: “There is no victory without a battle, no testimony without a test, and no miracle without an impossible circumstance.”

Just so Christ upon the Cross took our battle upon Himself. Although the initial notes would be bitter and acrid, He took our sins and sorrows and traded them for beauty and joy.

The bitter galbanum serves as a reminder, in our worship of Christ, of where we came from – but also hints at where we are going. His work on the cross transforming us from wretched sinners to victorious overcomers.

No longer do we smell of sin and shame – but rather the sweetness of His sacrifice.

Just before closing I would like to point out that all of the above ingredients are the result of wounding and crushing – just like the pain and suffering of our Saviour – His wounding and crushing – is the origin of the fragrant offer of our prayers and worship.

Let us approach each day with the incense of worship burning in our hearts, giving all our praise and adoration to the One who is worthy of it all!


1. The galbanum, when burnt, offers a bitter, acrid (unpleasantly pungent) smell before giving way to a sweeter, musky fragrance. How does this speak to you? How does this represent your testimony?

2. All of the ingredients above are the result of wounding, crushing and a tearing apart. True worship comes from the heart. How does the wounding, crushing and tearing apart speak about true worship?

Prayer: Lord, let sweet incense arise from my heart. Let praise and thanksgiving be upon my lips. I thank You Lord for Your blood, shed upon the Cross – for the wounding and the crushing You had to endure on my behalf. Let that same sweet fragrance be released in my heart – a broken heart, my repentant heart. Break my heart for what breaks Yours, Lord, and let my life be a fragrant offering unto You.