Walking With Jesus Part 6: Authority (Mark 1:21-28)
21 They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. 22 The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.
Mark 1:21-22, NIV
Early on in His ministry Jesus made waves in the synagogues through His radical teaching.
The teachers of the law had a lot of knowledge – they had authority over the letter – they could quote and interpret the scriptures with ease.
But Jesus taught as one who had ‘authority’ – a different kind of authority.
The Bible uses the word ‘Exousia’ here. Exousia refers specifically to the authority to act or do. It specifically refers to a moral authority – the liberty to do as one pleases. In most cases, in the New Testament, this refers to the spiritual authority of God delegated to believers, but is also used to refer to Pilate’s authority to choose who lives and who dies.
This is the authority that Jesus functioned in – as God made flesh – all authority was in Him.
Authority over eternal life and death – authority over the Heavens and the Earth. Authority over all things.
And it was clear in His teaching. He spoke and taught – not just as one who believed, but one who KNEW.
There was a certainty and a boldness in His teaching.
When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven, it was not merely an allegory or a parable, but a vision waiting to take root. A thing that was, although not seen by mortal eyes, surely real and tangible – Jesus spoke of the Kingdom and the rule of God, not just as metaphysical ideas or philosophical constructs – but as a real and tangible thing you could touch and experience.
He spoke with the authority of one who HAD experienced eternity. He spoke with the authority of one who had seen, and touched, and lived the Kingdom – because He had!
He WAS the Kingdom made flesh.
He spoke as one who had the authority to not only choose who would live and die (like Pilate, a right reserved for kings) – but as the One who had the authority to turn dry bones into armies and crush death itself.
Even the gates of hell trembled when He spoke.
While teaching in the synagogue a man with an impure spirit cried out: “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” (v.24, NIV)
And Jesus responded simply with: “Be quiet, come out!”
And the Spirit obeyed. The people marvelled at this – “even the impure spirits obey Him…”
The authority of God was in Jesus. Not just authority to speak – but authority to DO.
This is the same authority promised to all believers. Jesus does not just teach – He demonstrates.
Paul again and again urges believers to realize that Christ is alive – not just seated in the Heavens upon His eternal throne – but within us. He works in us and through us through His Holy Spirit living in us.
Let us live every day, walking like Jesus walked. Let us learn from Him. As we explore the scriptures further we will learn more about this authority that Jesus had and how it translates into the life of the believer.
For now, I leave you with this thought: The Word is always backed up with action. Jesus did not just teach. He DID. He took action.
My prayer for you today is that God’s Word will come alive in you. That it will be more than just letters on a page, but that, through His Holy Spirit, you will be able to translate it into action.
- John calls Jesus the Word Made Flesh (John 1). Jesus is the heart and the will of God, the very Word of God made manifest in the earth. The Holy Spirit is ‘Christ in us’. How should this affect our daily lives?
- What is one way that you can preach the Gospel without using words? What does it mean to be, not just a hearer, but also a doer of God’s Word? What does it look like?
Prayer: Lord, help me today to not only be a hearer of Your Word, but also a doer. Be present in my understanding and in my deeds, Lord. Help me understand the authority given to all believers through the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit – and help me walk in this authority. Help me walk in this victory – and help me share this victory with others. Victory over sin and temptation, situations and circumstances – let me understand and function according to Your Word. In Jesus Name. Amen.