Great Are You Lord: Breath In Our Lungs

Great Are You Lord: Breath In Our Lungs

“It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only”

Great Are You Lord, All Sons And Daughters

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.”

Psalm 150:6: NKJV

I have often heard it said that time is money. Time is precious – and while it doesn’t really always equate to ‘cash money’ – it is very much a type of currency. A type of Kingdom Currency with which we can buy eternal treasures.

In writing these devotional pieces I have come to realise that even though it seems like each has its own theme there is a central line. Worship is not about music – it is not simply the songs we sing – it is very much how we live our lives.

Worship is a lifestyle.

An idea I have used often in sermons is that the first act of worship was Adam exhaling.

God blew breath into Adam and he RESPONDED.

Worship is our response to the goodness, the glory and the beauty of God.

Worship is not just our response to what He does (in this case, giving life) but also a response to who He is (the Lifegiver).

One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 139, the fact that God knew me even before I was woven in the secret place of my mother’s womb. David puts it beautifully:

“Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.”

(Psalm 139:16, NKJV)

All the days fashioned for me. God had a plan from the get go. A plan for me.

As I ponder the passing on of some of the dear people in my life over the last few years I come to realize that the time we have here really is not ours at all.

We are all living on borrowed time.

The breath in my lungs belongs to God. It is His and will return to Him when my time here is said and done.

This breath in my lungs is borrowed. It is borrowed time in which I get to make up my mind – do I return with this breath to the One who gave it, or do I return to dust?

The choice for many of us is clear – for others not so.

So how should we then look at the time we have here on Earth?

Jonathan Edwards said the following: “Christians should not only study to improve the opportunities they enjoy, for their own advantage, as those who would make a good bargain; but also labour to reclaim others from their evil courses; that so God might defer his anger, and time might be redeemed from that terrible destruction, which, when it should come, would put an end to the time of divine patience.”

We are to labour – to invest this Kingdom Currency – and see the returns and fruit thereof.

The time we have here on Earth, the breath in our lungs is borrowed. It is very much like a talent given to a worker (Matthew 25), property entrusted to us so that we might properly steward it towards an increase.

One Talent was equal to about twenty years worth of wages.

And so it is that one might be given 80 years, another 60 – and yet another 20 years – but it is not what you are given but what you do with it that matters.

Let us not waste the time we have been given. Let us do as Edwards recommends and redeem the time. Let us use it wisely. Let every breath be used in the worship – the reverence, adoration, pursuit and proper service – of our God and King.

Let us not waste time in seeking Him today – let us not procrastinate, let us not wait – but let us be wholly in pursuit of Him.

Let us not waste time in seeking our neighbour. Let us use our time wisely so that we may reclaim others from their evil courses of self-destruction and damnation.

Let us redeem our time and worship Him with every step and every breath we take.

Prayer: Oh Lord, help me redeem my time. Let me spend every waking moment in pursuit of Your Will and Purpose, Your Heart and Mind for my life. Lord, help me use my time wisely and labour to save others from their evil courses. Give me discernment, give me wisdom Lord, so that I might see revival here in my lifetime. Give me strength Lord, lead me in discipline and righteousness for Your Name’s sake. Let my life glorify You. In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Holy Forever

Holy Forever

“A thousand generations
Falling down in worship
To sing the song of
Ages to the Lamb
And all who’ve gone before us
And all who will believe
Will sing the song of
Ages to the Lamb”

Holy Forever, Chris Tomlin

“So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture,
Will give You thanks forever;
We will show forth Your praise to all generations.”

Psalm 79:13

Asaph, or more likely one of the sons of Asaph – the author of numerous Psalms, a chief among the Levites and a prominent singer and seer in David’s court – pours out his heart for his people and his country in the patriotic and prophetic Psalm 79.

Spurgeon notes that the Psalm has three distinct divisions – the complaint (verse 1-4), the petition (5-12) and the praise (v13).

Describing the invasion of Judah and destruction of Jerusalem – strangers have come into the city, enemies have defiled the holy place – the enemy has brought death and destruction.

The Psalmist asks, as many prophets and poets before and after him – “How long will you remain angry?” – followed by an earnest petition for the tender mercy and lovingkindness of the Father’s heart, forgiveness, deliverance and atonement for their sins.

We most definitely find ourselves – pre-grace – in this same state. The Holy City of our hearts invaded by the nations, the Temple defiled by the enemy. We find ourselves in this same state: OH Lord, let Your tender mercies come speedily to meet us, for we have been brought low!

But God, in His infinite wisdom and providence, provided for us – through Christ Jesus – salvation and reconciliation with the Father.

I once was lost, but now I am found!

A theme I find quite often in the Psalms, but seldom in Christianity today is the promise of praise.

I pray for and with a lot of people on a daily basis and in the last year or so I have started encouraging those I intercede with to testify about the goodness of God when their prayers are answered.

We have to become a people of praise.

God is unchanging and eternal. He does not change. He has always been in the business of answering prayer, of touching hearts and turning lives around. He has always been and will always be the One who sees us, loves us, heals us, restores us, provides for us – He has always been and will always be worthy of our praise and our adoration.

Even if He didn’t do any of the things He does for us daily – all the millions of little miracles and blessings He pours out day after day – He has always been and will always be worthy of our praise and adoration!

My pastor, growing up, used to say: “even if God provided nothing more than just Jesus on the cross – just His grace and mercy – that would be more than enough for me to sing His praise forever!”

Jesus paid the ultimate price – He is worthy of the ultimate praise!

And your praise today has the potential to minister intergenerationally.

As a teenager in church I would marvel at the testimonies of the more mature Christians in the congregation. I spent a lot of time in prayer meetings as a young man – and was often the only youth attending. I spent a lot of time drinking tea and eating biscuits with my elders listening with wide eyes and a burning heart to the stories they told of revival way back when.

I remember doing hospital outreach where we used to pray for the sick and hand out tracts at a local hospital. I did this for four years – and the only other consistent members of the group were two older ladies who had seen the ups and downs of life.

The woman who headed up this prayer outreach had a real passion for this kind of ministry – she had been told that she only had a few months left to live – but here she was more than a decade later praying for the dying in intensive care and seeing them leave healed a few days later! Sharing the love of her Saviour and the Lover of her soul with any and all she encountered!

Many of these brothers and sisters have since passed on to be with the Lord – but their testimonies, their song of praise lives on in me.

They weren’t preachers, prophets or apostles – just everyday people who had seen God move and had made known His praise – and in this way they have touched generations, touched hearts, and will continue to do so for generations to come as their children, their grandchildren and so forth continue to recount these stories and add their own to this genealogy of grace.

Perhaps this is what Asaph meant in the closing lines of Psalm 79:

“So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture,
Will give You thanks forever;
We will show forth Your praise to all generations.”

Prayer: Lord, let me be a faithful steward of the grace and the mercy that You pour out and into my life. You have delivered me, picked me up and out of the miry clay again and again – let my life be a blessing and a testimony to those around me. Give me boldness and an excitement to share who You are and what You mean to me with everyone I come across. Help me see opportunities to share Your love with others. Help me show forth Your praise and see not only nations but also generations come to You! In the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!