“Grandma used to pray out loud
By her bed every night
To me, it sounded like mumbling
Like she was out of her mind
She said, “Boy, this kind of praying
Is what saved my life
You outta try it some time”
And now I know she was right”

Talking to Jesus, Maverick City.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:

I grew up with parents who prayed.

They would make time, early in the morning, after waking up to seek the face of the Lord.

My dad had a simple philosophy – pray every where and all the time.

I often had to remind him to keep his eyes open while driving and praying.

My mom kept a regular and disciplined devotional time. She would sit in her room or in the downstairs lounge – where ever she could catch the most sun that day – and read her Bible and pray.

As children living in Dubai, whenever the Muslim call for prayer would sound throughout the city – broadcast over what felt like every speaker and every television set – my mom would switch off all the devices in the house, gather her three young boys and teach us to talk to Jesus.

As a teenager I started going to church more and more – it was very much a refuge for me.

I had a pastor who took me under his wing and to this day I maintain that he taught me everything I needed to know in regards to ministry – and it wasn’t the theology, or history, or practical ministry… It was much simpler and much deeper than that.

I spent a lot of time as a teenager and a young man sitting with him in his office just talking to Jesus.

As if face to face.

Sometimes for hours.

And the more time I have spent in prayer the more I have seen the Hand of God move in my life and the lives of those around me.

There were times where it felt like all I really had was a prayer – and God came through!

Still today I have never lost the habit of conversing with Jesus.

There are as many ways to approach prayer as there are shoe sizes. But all of them have this one thing in common – we’ve got to start talking to Jesus.

It doesn’t have to be a ritual. It doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated.

I often find myself sitting in the living room, doing household stuff, or walking outside – even in public – and a conversation starts.

It comes naturally. But only because of practice.

At first it might seem strange, it might feel a little awkward – just like building a relationship in the natural – but the more time spent in prayer the more it becomes nature.

Our prayers do not need to be perfect. They don’t need to be rehearsed or refined. They just need to be.

All we have to do is start talking. He will hear you.

He is always there – He is always on the line! His ears are always open. God does not slumber or sleep.

All you have to do is start talking.

I want to urge you to pray with others. I learnt a lot from my parents, from my mentor and from many others over the years – just by spending time with them in prayer.

If you are new to prayer – find someone to pray with in your family, your circle of friends or your community of faith. If you can’t find anyone in your immediate vicinity contact me and I will pray with you.

If you are a person who prays I would like to encourage you to pray with your children, pray with your family, pray with your friends so that they might learn and be encouraged through your effort and example.

Let us start talking to Jesus – as individuals but also as family.

Let us start talking to Jesus and introduce as many others to Him as we can as well.

Prayer: Lord, as I start talking to You today I pray that it won’t stop. I thank You Lord that Your ear and Your heart are turned towards me. You hear me when I call. As I spend time in prayer help me identify the ways in which I can grow and help others grow as well through effort and example. Help me make prayer as natural and essential as eating and breathing. In Jesus Name.