Joyful, Joyful

Let our hearts turn back to Him.

House of the Lord

You belong here!

Living Hope

Our hope is certain.

Sing We The Song of Emmanuel

The world knows that something is missing… They just don’t know His Name.

Same God

He moved in power then – He wants to move in power now!

King of Kings

Prayer leads to revival fire!

Son of Suffering

Jesus weeps with us.

Spirit of God: Paraklétos

The Holy Spirit presents the evidence.

The Lord’s Prayer: Kingdom Come

Let’s wait upon the Lord…

Manger Throne

Seeing Jesus rightly…


I started out doing worship ministry when I was still a kid. 

I was born to be a worship minister. Worship is my calling. It is a calling I share.

We are all called to worship. As human beings it is part of our purpose to worship the Lord.

Especially as Christians – once you have experienced the love of our Savior, how could we do anything other than love Him?

This is what this devotional is about – worship. The many countless ways in which God loves, cares and carries – and the many ways in which we receive and respond.

As a worship minister I sing daily. Recently I started writing a devotional based on the title, lyrics and content of the worship songs I love to sing.

Sometimes the connections between the song and the devotional are as clear as day and night. Other times the links are more obscure.

Whether you are a worship pastor sharing these devotionals with your team, a worship leader gleaning truths to share during corporate worship as interludes between songs, or just a worshiper at home growing in your love for and relationship with the Lord and His people – I hope that you will gain in reading this as much as I do in writing these little morsels.

– A.D. Labuschagne