About Kingdom Revolution
It’s all about being less so that Christ can be more. The Kingdom Revolution is about living better and loving deeper. The Kingdom Revolution is about presence over preaching.
The Kingdom Revolution is about surrendering our lives to the One who gave His life for us.
The Kingdom Revolution is about BEING rather than just believing. DOING rather than just hearing. It’s about the Word of God being living and active IN us, THROUGH us and AROUND us.
The Kingdom Revolution is about seeing Jesus rightly and becoming more like Him every day.
About Us

Hi! We’re Andre and Kailie Labuschagne.
We are passionate about Jesus. He saved us from ourselves – and because of that we want nothing more than to give our lives to Him – after all He gave EVERYTHING for us.
We are passionate about seeing Jesus and His Kingdom come in the lives of everyone we meet – and believe that this can only be done through living out the Kingdom daily and consistently without compromise.
We want to see people healed. We want to see people delivered. We want to see Jesus lifted high.
We want to see revival spread like wild fire.
Jesus said: Repent! For the Kingdom is near!
We proclaim the same message! The Kingdom is here!
We would love to journey with you.
The Bible, and specifically the life of Jesus, teaches us the importance of walking together. Fellowship is one of the most important spiritual disciplines of the Christian life.
If you need prayer or would like to know more about Jesus, we would love to hear from you:
Andre Labuschagne 065 370 3806
Kailie Labuschagne: 079 037 4024
For professional counselling: 066 290 6339 / info@raphacontact.co.za
For help with addiction issues: 065 370 3806
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