Joyful, Joyful

Joyful, Joyful

“Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee
Hail Thee as the sun above
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness
Drive the dark of doubt away
Giver of immortal gladness
Fill us with the light of day”

The Hymn of Joy (Joyful Joyful), Henry van Dyke

“The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them,
And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose;
It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice,
Even with joy and singing.
The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it,
The excellence of Carmel and Sharon.
They shall see the glory of the Lord,
The excellency of our God.”

Isaiah 35:1-2, NKJV

The Psalms and the Prophets teach us that God delights in His children (Zephaniah 3:17, Psalm 147:11-12, Psalm 18:19, Isaiah 62:3-5) – even at the very beginning of the world, at the dawn of creation, God looked at what He had created and it was good.

He enjoyed Adam and Eve, in the Garden – He walked with them, and He talked with them. He delighted in them. They delighted in Him.

Past tense.


God’s desire has not changed. He wants to walk with us and talk with us in the Garden of His Presence. He longs for communion with us as a Bridegroom longs for His Bride.

We have been, in many cases, an adulterous Bride. We have, time and time again, strayed… We have been unfaithful.

But His desire has never changed. His love for us has not changed.

It is then no wonder that in Jesus writes to the Church of the last days: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Revelation 3:20, NIV)

Repentance is a turning back to God. It is the opening of the door of our hearts to Jesus so that He might come in – that He might come and eat with us, feast with us – that He might come in and make manifest the festivity of His presence. Jesus wants to fill us with Himself – His presence, peace, love and joy!

The Psalmist writes: “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!” (Psalm 37:4)

Our delight and our desire is Jesus, and in pursuing our desire of Him He gives us more of Himself.

The adulterous and idolatrous Bride finds herself, in this current dispensation, in need of a turn – she needs to repent.

We need to repent and turn back to God. We need to open the door and let Him back into our churches.

Why are so many believers dissatisfied and falling away from the Hope of Glory? Why are so many of us still being cast asunder by every new wind of doctrine and philosophy? Why do our hearts still pang, hunger and thirst for more when we have, at hand, the Bread of Heaven and source of Living Water? Why do we still feel so empty, impoverished and lacking when we have, at our disposal, the innumerable and incorruptible riches of His Kingdom?

It is because we have removed Christ from His Christendom.

We have made apostles and prophets the centre of our faith and we have removed the Cornerstone. We have made prosperity, rather than His presence, our priority.

But the Lord says this today: “I stand at the door of your heart and I knock, and if you open up I will come in and feast with you. If you open up I will come in and bring Living Water to the dry places, hope to the desolate places, light to the dark places and life to the barren places of your heart!”

We have been an idolatrous and adulterous Bride. We have set the eyes of our hearts upon material things, quick fixes and promises of temporary power and esteem.

Psalm 147:11: “But the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love.”

God is calling us to set our eyes upon Him again. To desire Him. To delight in Him. To enjoy Him.

God is calling us to open up our hearts to Him once again, so that He may shine His face upon us, that our hearts might unfold before Him like flowers hailing the sun above – He wants to melt away the clouds of sin and sadness – drive out darkness and doubt – and restore us! He wants to fill us with the light of day! He wants to make the desert and the wilderness glad again! Blossoming and in bloom – brimming with life in abundance! He wants to move in our midst again!

He desires us. He delights in His children – those who fear and love Him.

He wants to delight in us. He wants us to delight in Him.

And all it takes from us is a yielded yes.

All it takes from us is surrender.

All it takes from us is a turning of our eyes, away from the things of this world and the promises of men, towards Jesus, His Kingdom and the perfect will of God!

All it takes is a decision right now to turn to Him. To open the door and let Him in.

Prayer: Jesus, be my desire. Be my Bread and Water. Be the One Thing I long for above all else. Remove any and all double mindedness from my heart and let me run wholly after You. Let me dwell in Your house forever, my eyes set upon You and You alone. Be the center of all of my coming and going, the center of my life. Be in every breath I take. Jesus, be my desire. Show me what it means to find perfect peace and contentment in You. Through Your Holy Spirit draw me deeper, deeper into prayer and the study of Your Word. Draw me deeper into communion with You. In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

House of the Lord

House of the Lord

“We were the beggars
Now we’re royalty
We were the prisoners
Now we’re running free
We are forgiven, accepted
Redeemed by His grace
Let the house of the Lord sing praise”

House of the Lord, Phil Wickham

“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household…”

Ephesians 2:19, NIV

Many of us were, at some stage of our life, foreigners and strangers – outcasts, the odd one out – the black sheep or the one who just didn’t fit.

We all know what it feels like, to varying degrees, to feel out of place.

But the love of Christ calls the lost and wandering from all the corners of the earth to the foot of the cross. “Sinner, oh, sinner, come home!”

The Apostle John writes, in the first Epistle that bears his name: “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” (1 John 3:1)

We who were orphans – alone and scattered – now have a home. We now have a family. We are children of God!

There is joy in the House of the Lord – the joy of homecoming.

You might not be celebrated by the world, sometimes you might not even be celebrated by the ones you love – but God rejoices over us with singing! The whole host of heaven comes alive when even just one lost sheep wanders back into the fold!

There is joy in the House of the Lord – the joy of belonging.

Not only do we belong to Him, but we also belong to one another – as Christians we are baptised into the family of God. As His children we belong together – knit together by the love of Christ. As His children we belong to each other – to serve one another in love and compassion.

When we are baptised into the family of God we no longer walk alone. God walks with us, but so do our brothers and our sisters in the Lord. We are there to comfort and console one another, to journey together, to share our burdens – but also to rejoice as one voice, hearts in one accord, to sing the praises of the Lord!

There is joy in the House of the Lord – the joy of identity.

No longer strangers or foreigners, we are now citizens of the Kingdom and children of God. We are the Bride, the Body – the redeemed – we belong to Him!

We have gone from the rags of spiritual poverty to the riches of His grace and mercy, from being beggars to being royalty!

His Name is now written on our hearts – we are His Body, we are His Bride.

Let the House of the Lord rejoice – the whole household of God – the redeemed of the Lord: Let us sing and shout His praise! Let us proclaim the goodness of the One who has called us out of darkness and translated us into the light of His Kingdom – He who has called us as a peculiar people.

You might not fit in anywhere else – but you fit in here! You might feel out of place in the world, but here we belong.

Let the House of the Lord rejoice! And in rejoicing, may we make known the great deeds and the great love of our God! In rejoicing, may we beckon the outcast, the weary and the burdened: ‘Come taste and see that the Lord is good! Come and find yourself in the House of the Lord!”

If you have not yet found the joy of your salvation – if you still have questions, doubts and fears – reach out! It doesn’t matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done – your Father is calling you home!

Reach out by sending an email to

We want to journey with you.

Come and join us in the House of the Lord! Come home!

Prayer: There is joy in the house of the Lord! I thank you for Your love, the same love that called me out of darkness and into Your light! I pray today, Lord that I will remember and be mindful of the joy of my salvation today – and that I will share this joy with those around me in the hopes that many more will come home. Let me be a beacon of Your love and grace. Let me be a safe space. Let me be Your hands and feet on the earth, ready to seek out the lost and embrace the sinner – leading them back to Your heart. In Jesus Name! Amen!

Living Hope

Living Hope

“How great the chasm that lay between us
How high the mountain I could not climb
In desperation, I turned to heaven
And spoke your name into the night
Then through the darkness
Your loving kindness
Tore through the shadows of my soul
The work is finished, the end is written
Jesus Christ, my living hope”

Living Hope, Phil Wickham

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”

1 Peter 1:3-5, NKJV

We are born again through the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead – His resurrection power at work in us – begotten again to a living hope, an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that does not fade away.

Peter talks about the ‘living hope’ we have in Jesus. “Living’ refers to the fact that it can be experienced – felt, seen, heard – understood by our senses and fathomed by our faculties.

In a lot of contexts ‘hope’ can be a very vague sort of word, implying something that ‘might or might not’ materialize – but that we long for nonetheless. In a lot of cases our definition of ‘hope’ has more to do with desire and wishful thinking.

The word used for ‘hope’ here, in 1 Peter 1:3: is the Greek ‘elpis’ which properly refers to the anticipation or welcoming of something that is sure.

In our culture broken promises seem to be the norm – even in the church. The only thing we seem to be sure of is the fact that we can’t be sure of anything. Our modern culture encourages us to ‘trust no-one’, not even yourself.

But God is not a man that He would lie – every word He speaks can be seen as trustworthy and true.

When we speak about ‘hope’ as believers we are not referring to things clouded by uncertainty – our hope in God, the expectation of our salvation, safety and security in Him – is certain.

We have in Jesus Christ the means to a welcome and joyously expected end and the end in itself. He is the author and the finisher of our faith.

We do not hope for something that might or might not materialize – our hope is not rooted in something we want or need to happen – but rather in what has already taken place, and therefore our hope is sure. Our expectation of His presence, power and providence in our lives will be rewarded, not when it materializes – for it is already done and has been done for at least 2000 years – but when we come to the realization that it is already there for us to experience and enjoy, paid for in full upon the Cross.

We can feel the certitude of His presence through our communion with His Holy Spirit. We can hear the certitude of His providence through the testimonies we share with one another – the record of which spans decades, centuries and millennia. We can see, with absolute certainty, His power at work in our lives and the lives of those around us – and when we do not experience Him through one we will certainly experience Him through another.

Our ‘hope’ – this certainty that Peter talks about – is a living thing. Living things tend to grow, and so it is that our relationship with and experience of God is also a thing that grows towards maturity. As we grow in our relationship with God, so does the ‘hope’ – or certainty – we have in Him. As we grow in our walk with the Lord, so also we grow in feeling, seeing, hearing and knowing – moving from a place in our faith where our hope is sometimes clouded by our thinking and circumstances towards a more mature faith and the certainty that Peter encourages us to have, this ‘elpis’ that he talks about, the anticipation and welcoming of the fulfillment of the promise of His presence, power and providence in our lives.

Prayer: Lord, let me see You more clearly. Let me feel You, closer than ever before. Let me be more mindful of the testimonies You are writing in my life. Let me be more aware of Your presence, power and providence so that I might grow in ‘hope’ – anticipating and welcoming the everyday fulfillment of Your promises in Jesus Name. Amen.

Sing We The Song of Emmanuel

Sing We The Song of Emmanuel

“Go spread the news of Emmanuel
Joy and peace for the weary heart
Lift up your heads, for your King has come
Sing for the Light overwhelms the dark
Glory shining for all to see
Hope alive, let the gospel ring
God has made a way, He will have the praise
Tell the world His name is Jesus”

Sing We The Song of Emmanuel, Stuart Townend

Jesus said to his followers, “Go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone.”

Mark 16:15, NCV

I remember, as a teenager, long before the internet served to satisfy our music listening needs – before YouTube, Shazam and Spotify even existed – you would dedicate some very real time and resources to finding and owning copies of the music you liked. Sometimes it would take some very real effort tracking down a particular album, or even just the single.

Sometimes you wouldn’t even have the name of the song or the artist you were looking for, except for a vague description of whatever you could remember of its content or composition.

And so it is with the Gospel.

Deep down the world knows that there is something missing – deep down the world knows that it is looking to fill a gigantic God shaped-hole – but they don’t know The Name.

They only have the vaguest descriptions of what they are looking for – hope, healing, restoration, redemption, salvation, freedom… But they don’t know The Name.

Sometimes you would get lucky and would hear someone playing the song that eluded you, perhaps it would be playing on your local radio station and the DJ would mention the name and artist. Other times you could ask a friend or a friendly shop assistant and find what you were looking for.

Jesus made it very clear that, along with the power of His Kingdom, there was also a great responsibility on the part of every believer to go into the world and preach the Gospel.

The love of Christ compels us to go seeking after the sinner – to proclaim the good news of the Gospel, proclaiming freedom to the slave and liberty to the captive.

Once you have found the Song superior to all songs you cannot help but share it with the world.

The love of Christ compels us to sing the Song of Emmanuel – loud and from every rooftop.

Once you have heard that secret, sacred Song, emanating from God’s heart to yours, you can’t help but be transformed as it fills every nook and cranny of your soul, bouncing off every wall, and echoing in the deepest depths of your being – “Jesus loves me!”

Just like any good song gets stuck in your head, begging to be sung or hummed, how much more the Song of our Savior – it compels us to sing! As it floods our hearts and lives with the goodness of God it cannot help but overflow out into the world around us.

Jesus commissioned us to go and preach the Gospel to every creature – to share the Good News with the world… to go forth and sing the Song of Emmanuel, to let the Gospel ring, His glory shining for all to see!

The world knows it is missing something – it tries so hard to fill that hole with sex, drugs and rock’n’roll… With philosophy, politics and any number of other things…

They know they are looking for something… but they don’t know The Name.

Sing we the song of Emmanuel?

Prayer: Lord, let my every step and my every breath sing the Song of Your love and mercy. Let my heart be in tune with the Song of Heaven – the story of Your mercy and grace here in our midst. Let me be Your witness, let the Gospel ring and resonate in and through my life – and may the broken and the lost find what they are looking for through the word of my testimony and Your Spirit living and active in me. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Same God

Same God

“You moved in power then
God, move in power now
You are the same God
You are the same God”

Same God, Elevation Worship

“I the Lord do not change.”

Malachi 3:6a, NIV

Everlasting and unchanging – eternal, infinitely faithful and true – from generation to generation… God does not change. There is no shadow of turning with Him. As He was, so He is and so He will be forevermore and beyond.

He is the same God who split the seas for Moses, the same God who made Jericho’s walls tumble down – the same God who helped a teenage boy defeat a giant.

He is still the same God who provided manna and quail in the desert, made water flow from the rock – He is still Jehovah-Rapha the Healer, El-Roi who sees us, Jehovah-Jireh our Provider and Jehovah-Nissi the One who fights for us.

He is still the same God who revealed Himself in Jesus Christ. The same Jesus who loved the sinner and cleansed the leper – made the blind to see and set the captive free – He is still the same Jesus!

Hebrews 13:8: says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

The face, grace and embrace of God – the Right Hand stretched out, never too short to reach us in our time of need. The same Jesus – Yeshua – the very Word of God made flesh. The Heart of God made manifest.

God is not a man that He would lie. His love for us does not diminish, is infinite and without bounds – oh how He loves us!

The same God, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End and Creator of the universe is the One – Almighty, Omnipotent – spoke at the dawn of Creation and there was light.

Through the indwelling of His Spirit – the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead – He wants to speak light in your darkness.

He wants to be your Beginning.

He created you, purchased you salvation – redeemed you from sin and shame – you are double His!

He is the same God who moved in power then, and He wants to move in power now through His Holy Spirit living and active in our lives. He is still the Mighty Conqueror – our victory – and the Prince of Peace – the River of Living Water, the Bread from Heaven.

He wants to move in our midst. He wants to move in your life. He wants to move in your ministry – this ministry that we all share – the ministry of reconciliation.

He wants to empower us and enable us to be His witnesses in our Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria – and even to the ends of the Earth. He wants us to be His witnesses in our homes, at our schools, our places of business, our communities – to expand His Kingdom wherever we might go.

All it takes from us is a “metanoia” experience – a turning of the heart and the mind towards the things of God. A shift in our thinking, the realisation that God is who He says He is.

He is not a man that He would lie or change His mind. God intended, from the beginning, to walk with us. This has not changed. Let us turn our hearts and our minds toward Him. Let us give Him our full attention.

When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit we turned from God. There is no shadow of turning with Him. Let us turn back to God.

He is the same God who moved in power then, and He wants to move in power now – here in our midst. In our homes, in our churches, in our communities. Revival is waiting.

All we need to do is become willing to let Him have His way – to surrender to His loving and careful Hand so that He may mould us, form us, guide us and lead us – so that the blueprint of what He had in mind for us might be restored.

Let us turn our hearts and minds – the totality of our lives – over to Him.

Prayer: Jesus, have Your way in me. Come and flood my life with who You are. If there is any doubt or double-mindedness in me, let it be stripped away, burned away by the fire of Your Holy Spirit. Come and move in my life and through my life as I surrender all I am and all I ever will be to You. Let Your Kingdom come. Let Your will be done – in and through my life – in Jesus Name. Amen.

King of Kings

King of Kings

“And the church of Christ was born
Then the Spirit lit the flame
Now this gospel truth of old
Shall not kneel, shall not faint
By His blood and in His name
In His freedom I am free
For the love of Jesus Christ
Who has resurrected me”

King of Kings, Hillsong

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. “

Acts 2:2-3, NIV

The Church can be defined as an assembly – a coming together. The older Greek roots of the word ‘church’ refers to the place where this congregation takes place – in the Lord’s House.

Christ came, showed us the way, was crucified, resurrected and ascended to the Right Hand of God. After this the disciples assembled – congregated – gathered together in the upper room and waited upon the Lord.

This last week I’ve been seeing, in my mind’s eye, wood being placed like in a fireplace. 

This is what the disciples did. They came together – assembled like wood – in the fireplace of the upper room.

And the Lord sent His Spirit like a flame of fire. 

And we have seen, over decades and centuries, the Lord igniting fires – and in some cases re-igniting fires. And we are in need, as the church, of a spark to set us alight again.

We need revival. 

The fire was lit on Pentecost – but as with any fire, the ash eventually starts suffocating the flames. 

The ashes of tradition, philosophy and bad theology have suffocated the flames of that Pentecost Fire in us – but the Gospel Truth of old will not faint and will not be snuffed out. 

Under the ashes are the red hot embers of Truth waiting to be fanned into flame again.

Under the ashes are the red hot embers of a church waiting to be fanned into flame again.

Sometimes it is necessary for us to add kindling to the fire, to add fuel, for the fire to burn again.

Let us shake off the ashes that suffocate the fire – and let us present ourselves as wood in the fireplace of the upper room waiting for the Spark of His Spirit – let our hearts be the kindling, let our lives be the flame.

Let us become a people of prayer once again – let us assemble and congregate in our Father’s House and wait on Him for fresh fire.

He is faithful.

The Fire of the Holy Spirit kept the steam engine of the Church going in even the darkest times – through persecution, in the face of famine, nakedness and sword – and gave momentum to the propagation of the Gospel and expansion of the Kingdom.

The Fire of the Holy Spirit enabled the church to be a light in the darkness leading the lost back home – a source of warmth and safety to those who had been alone and stuck out in the colder fringes of society. 

The Fire of the Holy Spirit is what purifies us, like silver and gold in a furnace – the Fire transforms us, conforms us more and more into the image of Christ so that we may be the light that the world needs.

 Let us come together. Let us be assembled like wood in the fireplace of prayer. 

 Let us seek the Lord like never before. 

 I want to urge you to find like-minded brothers and sisters to pray with. Let our churches become houses of prayer. Let our homes become altars unto the Lord.  

 Let us pray together and set the world ablaze.

 Prayer: Lord, come and set Your church alight. Come and pour out fresh fire. As we turn to You in prayer Lord, come and heal us. Come and restore us. Help us shake off the ashes of old and be renewed, restored and revived – so that we may be Your light in a dark and dying world. In Jesus Name. Amen.