“Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.”

Step 4, Alcoholics Anonymous

“Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD.”

Lamentations 3:40

The spiritual principle behind the 4th Step is COURAGE.

To look at oneself in the mirror of introspection can be challenging, and even painful. It is to peel back the layers of the onion, one at a time, to get to the roots of our ‘stinking thinking’ and behaviour.

While many have overcomplicated this step, it is actually quite simply the process of making a list – looking at our weaknesses and defects of character. This list of weaknesses will become a source of strength in the future.

It gives us a birds eye view of what we need to work on in the future – the facets of our life that need to be surrendered to God. The list itself does not change anything, this step does not change anything – but it gives us a better idea of what our healing process should look like in the future.

It is best to be honest with oneself in doing this step – the more brutally honest you can be with yourself, the better. 

It is also important not to delay the process. Some of us, in attempting this step the first time, struggled because we wanted to justify our behaviour, or – on the flip side –  wanted the list to be as comprehensive as possible. There is no need to strive for perfection here – just progress.

Whether your list is a few lines or a few pages – it doesn’t matter –  just get it out on paper!

Step 4 is all about taking responsibility, owning your weakness – and identifying your negative thoughts, actions and feelings. 

In doing this step we also look at our strengths – our character assets.

What are you doing right? What Spiritual Principles are you applying? And how can I do more of these things in the future?

The end result, if we are honest with ourselves, will be a list that allows us to examine our tendencies towards fear, resentment, pride, guilt, shame, selfpity, secrets, sex and relationships. 

It will give us a better idea of who we are coming into recovery and give us a goal to work towards – as we strive to let go of past hurt and resentments, as we work on practising spiritual principles, and lean in towards becoming a better version of ourselves.

God is faithful to forgive – He teaches us about forgiveness throughout His Word. 

One of the things we need to learn from Him is the concept of forgiveness. We need to learn to forgive ourselves, as He forgives, and also those who might’ve hurt us.

This inventory lays the foundation for the process of recovery going forward.

It might feel like a daunting task, and many of us don’t know where to begin. 

In saying this I have included a few links to resources that might help you get started:

This 4th Step Guide is a questionnaire designed specifically to help with doing your inventory – exploring certain facets of your childhood, adolescence and adulthood – it is a helpful tool for getting through step 4.

Chapter 5 of the Big Book also gives us more information on personal inventory and the importance thereof.

In my own recovery I found the NA Step Working Guide to be a valuable resource – the Step 4 guide starts on page 27.

I would urge you to be kind to yourself in this process – be honest and open minded – and above all, don’t be afraid. 

You can do this!

Prayer: Lord, as I go into Step 4 please help me set aside any judgement and any need to justify my behaviour. Let me be open and honest with myself. Help me go about this task fearlessly as I look at my life and help me see which parts of myself I have yet to give to You. In Jesus Name. Amen.

If you need any help or have any questions, you are welcome to reach out to me: andre@adlabuschagne.co.za / 0653703806 – we want to journey with you!

