Hymn of Heaven
“And every prayer we prayed in desperation
The songs of faith we sang through doubt and fear
In the end, we’ll see that it was worth it
When He returns to wipe away our tears”
Hymn of Heaven, Phil Wickham
“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
Revelation 21:3-4, NIV
While it is true that the Kingdom is come it is only a part of the Kingdom. We also look forward, expecting the Kingdom that is yet to come.
The Bible makes this clear, that the Kingdom has come but it is also coming.
In Revelation 21 we read about this coming Kingdom.
It is a place where God reigns in totality. Where His dominion is established and recognized by all things. It is a place where every tear is wiped away – where there is no mourning, crying or pain. The coming Kingdom is a place where there is no infirmity, no illness, no disability – where our bodies are complete and whole. The coming Kingdom is a place undefiled and incorruptible – completely Holy as God is Holy.
The coming Kingdom is a place where there is no death.
The truth is that while this life endures many of us will only see a portion of the Kingdom. In this age – this time of preparation in which God is preparing a Bride for Himself – we will still have hardships.
I have heard in this last week of two people who once were very dear to me passing on.
There is still death in this world.
A friend is currently in hospital under observation.
There is still pain in this world.
There is still mourning and crying, and not every tear is wiped away. Some tears are planted like seeds in the ground of our lamentation, supplication and intercession – one day to be reaped as joy.
In this current age we are to prove ourselves as a faithful Bride to the One who is to come.
We are to keep our garments clean and undefiled, trusting, longing and waiting on Jesus and His coming – the coming Kingdom – where all things, all of creation, will be made new.
In the mean time we endure. Steadfast in prayer – praying not only for ourselves but for the world at large. We pray for our families. We pray for our schools. We pray for our churches and our communities. We pray for a wave of repentance and a great awakening to occur.
We stay faithful in trial and trouble, we persevere even in persecution and press in and press on towards the final destination of our faith – where we will be united and eternally locked in communion with our Bridegroom and the Lover of our Souls – Jesus!
We stay faithful, knowing that in this world we will have trouble. In this world and in this life we will cry many tears – but this too shall pass and give way to glory. This current life will pass – wither and fade like flowers and grass – but His Word and His Kingdom will be forever.
Do not grow weary of waiting for the time is soon – the Kingdom comes like a thief in the night.
Do not grow weary of waiting. Keep your lamps trimmed and burning.
One day God Himself will wipe away our tears – but for now we keep planting those tears for our friends and family. We keep planting those tears for the unsaved, the unloved and the unwashed – we keep planting the tears of lamentation, supplication and intercession – for in the Kingdom come we will reap joy!
Prayer: Lord, today I cry for my family. I cry for my friends. I cry for my community. As I shed these tears Lord, tears of compassion, longing and love – let not one go to waste. Hear my cries oh Lord God of Hosts, shine Your face upon us. Save this broken and dying world. Hear our prayers, oh Lord, and give us peace. Give us the peace of knowing that one day we will reap joy unspeakable and full of glory. Help me endure in waiting. Help me keep my lamp trimmed and burning. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.