I Lift Your Name on High
“You came from heaven to earth to show the way
From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay
From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky
Lord I lift Your name on high”
Lift Your Name On High. Maranatha! Praise Band
“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.”
Hebrews 1:1-4:
In Afrikaans we have a beautiful word for incarnation: “vleeswording”.
“Vleeswording” is the combination of two words: “vlees” (flesh) and “wording” (becoming).
Incarnation can sound so mystical at times – “vleeswording” feels way more practical but doesn’t translate very well.
In Colossians 1:15: Paul writes and explains that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
What Paul is saying here in verse 15 is that Jesus is the “flesh-becoming” / “flesh-coming” of God.
He is God revealed – unveiled – in the flesh.
In John chapter 1 we read that in the beginning there was the Word (LOGOS), and that the Word was with God and the Word was God.
“Logos” was originally a Greek word invented by heathen philosophers to describe the greater scheme of things – the bigger picture – the plan and will and design of the universe.
What John is saying, in context and in plain English is this: “In the beginning was the Plan, and the Plan was with God, and the Plan WAS GOD!”
God’s plan for us, from the very beginning, was Himself.
He showed the plan to Moses when He said, “build me a Tabernacle so that I may dwell in Your midst!”
The Israelites did it and God tabernacled in their midst – but they didn’t get it. All they saw was the Curtain.
God showed His plan through the Law – so that His Word may be engraved upon our hearts through our diligent reading, studying and meditation of His expressed Will, that we would then live His Heart – be His presence in the midst of our neighbours.
But all they saw was the Letter and not the Spirit.
So God gave His plan through the Prophets – spoke to His people bluntly and earnestly, expressing His desire for His people to turn to Him and be restored – but the people didn’t get it.
Finally, Jesus comes – He comes to demonstrate the pattern as the Word made flesh!
Jesus comes to show us the way – the way we should live and treat our neighbours, but also the way back to the heart of the Father.
He is the Door, the Truth, the Light, the Way – He is the plan of God – Immanuel: God with us!
And through His death and resurrection He invites us to become a part of the Plan. To become a part of the LOGOS of God.
As we are reconciled with God we are filled with His Holy Spirit and called to the ministry of reconciliation – that is – living a life that testifies of His grace and mercy. His Law becomes engraved upon our hearts and we become the expressed Will of the Father as He makes His habitation in us as the Holy Spirit.
We are called to the ministry of reconciliation. As God tabernacles in us – in these tents of flesh and bone – His desire, the desire expressed through the prophets, becomes our desire and we take God to our family, our friends, our neighbours and countrymen – and from there – the nations.
We are called to the ministry of reconciliation. As God tabernacles in us through the Holy Spirit the Gospel of Jesus comes alive in our minds and in our hearts – Jesus comes alive in us.
We start walking as He walked. We die to self and the resurrection comes alive in us – and we seek to see others come alive as well: becoming the ‘flesh-becoming’ of Jesus, living a life becoming of the life He lived – in a hurting and broken world.
Prayer: Lord, as I look to You today let me be transformed by the vision of Your grace. Come flood my life! Come live in me! Come alive in my heart and mind! And in doing so, Lord, let me live a life becoming of the life Your lived. Lord, let my life be so full of You that it overflows into the lives of those around me. Let my life be so full of You that people can see it from afar. Come alive in me today. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.