Jesus said the following in Matthew 9:Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38, NIV)

Reinhardt Bonke said the following – the day of reaping with a sickle is past. The time for the combine harvester has come.

He also said: an unpreached Gospel is no Gospel at all.

A combine harvester is an extremely versatile and dynamic machine for bringing in the harvest – but even with a well qualified driver it cannot move without fuel. In the end the person who fills the tank plays just as big a role in gathering the harvest and seeing the fruits of the labour. You can have a very dynamic church and a well qualified preacher – but without the person who fills the tank – without our contributions to the mission – the lights will go out and the doors will close. Our contributions are what keep the church running.

Every single person in the body of Christ is important – plays a role in it functioning as a vehicle for salvation.

Through faithful use of our resources – time, money, skills, etc – the gifts bestowed upon us by the grace of God, each according to our special and unique capacity – we will see increase.

On that day on which we are to give account of our lives – when we are to prove our stewardship over the many mercies God entrusted us with, those who exerted themselves dutifully will receive their reward while those who left their gifts unused will be deprived of what they were entrusted with.

On that day on which we are to give account of our live we are not going to be asked what we preached, but rather what we did.

Giving to the poor, supporting the gospel and sowing into the Kingdom is trading with what we have – and the returns will be rich.

Those who have heard and are stubborn and uncharitable will find their riches are empty and perish – eaten away by moth and age.

Another principle at work in my life is this: we keep what we have by giving it away.

If we hold on to that ‘thing’ – that finite and perishable ‘thing’ – it will be all we have.

However, as we fill the cups of those around us in faith and faithfulness to God, we will see Him fill our cups every time.

How can God fill a cup that is full? Will the water not stagnate if it does not move?

What is most important, above all, is that the things that are important to God must be the most important to us.

Beyond our desire for a full cup – a full and prosperous life – must be the desire to please God.

For our hearts to break at the sight of that which breaks His heart.

A church that does not seek the lost is lost itself.

My hope and prayer is that God will speak to you to give – to fill the cups of those around you – so that you may become a living testimony of the grace of God.

That you will see increase in your storehouse. That God will prove Himself faithful to you and that the Gospel will continue to be preached and reach the lost.

May His Kingdom come, and His will be done in us, through us and around us.

In Jesus name.


A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I would like to ask you to help us fulfill the mission by supporting our mission. Your contribution allows us to devote our time to preaching, teaching, counseling those who can’t afford it and deliverance ministry – both locally and internationally, online and in person.

It also allows us to devote our time to the creation of materials for use by individuals and groups for personal growth and discipleship – all available for free on this website. We are not asking for much – even the smallest drop in the bucket makes a huge difference. We only ask that your prayerfully go to the Lord and ask Him to guide you in your giving.

Please see this page for more information on how you can support the mission: