Everyday Evangelism: The Romans Road

Everyday Evangelism: The Romans Road

“How do I lead someone to the Lord?”

This is by far one of the most common questions I get asked in my ministry to young believers.

And while this seems like a daunting task, it is actually quite simple. There are so many methods and techniques available to every day believers – and here I will present one of the simplest.

It is called the Romans Road to Salvation.

We have all given directions to somewhere – whether to the post office or the local mall, or even our own home – and we usually rely on landmarks to do so. “Turn left when you get to the big tree, through the red gate and past the old school…” Landmarks make it easy to tell others how to get where they are going.

And just like that we are going to use the book of Romans to guide our listener towards Jesus – guiding them along this road through Romans, the Romans Road, we are going to present our brothers and sisters with some landmarks to help them find their way from lost to found.

With only a handful of verses in your back-pocket you too can become an every day evangelist.

Landmark 1: ”We are all lost…”
Key verses: Romans 3:10, 3:23 and 6:23

The Bible teaches us that no-one is righteous – not even one ((Romans 3:10). All of us have sinned, and continue to sin, falling short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).

This sin is very much a separation between us and God – like a huge wall or a wide chasm. Our sin separates us from God. 

His plan for us, from the very beginning was life. Romans 6:23: tells us that the wages of sin is death – eternal death and separation. Besides this, our sin also has very real consequences for us in our current life. It kills relationships, friendships and marriages – it kills our finances – it can even kill us.

Sin is bad and the consequences are bad.

And we all are guilty – all of us deserve what is coming to us. But there is hope.

Landmark 2: “There is hope in Jesus.”
Key verses: Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8

Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death – but it also tells us that the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:8: gives us this wonderful news – that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! He shed His blood upon the cross, giving His life for us, so that the death warrant of sin would be torn apart!

His blood justifies us! Frees us of the bondage of sin and fear! And calls us to be children of God!

Landmark 3: “Do you want to be free?”
Key verses: Romans 10:9-10, Romans 10:13

This freedom is available to you today. And it will cost you nothing more than a decision. Jesus already paid – it is yours – you just have to collect it!

John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He sent Jesus to die for us! So that every single person – no matter what they have done or where they have been in life, might be saved if they call on His name! 

And calling on His name is really easy.

Romans 10:9-10: says the following: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.  (NIV)

Romans 10:13 tells us that everyone who does this – everyone who calls on Jesus will be saved.

You just need a mustard seed of faith in your heart, and just confess it with me today – and you will be saved!

Landmark 4: The Result
Key verses: Romans 5:1-2, Romans 8:1

If you can muster up just that little bit of faith and courage to choose Jesus today something wonderful will happen.

Romans 5:1-2: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. (NIV)

First of all, you will be justified. This means that all of your sins will be washed away and you will be clean before the Lord. The death warrant against you, the result of sin, will be torn up. You will be made new.

Romans 8:1 tells us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

This justification means that you can step into newness of life – a freshness – you can be renewed and restored today.

Secondly, you will be at peace with God – no longer separated from Him by your sin and shame, but walking with Him, and Him with you.

Lastly, through making peace with God, justified through Christ Jesus, you will be born again into His family – a child of God, and your inheritance will be eternal life. This means that one day, when all is said and done, I will see you there in Heaven!

If you want this today, let’s pray together:

Lord, I know that I am a sinner and that the wages of sin is death. I believe today that You died for me on the cross, so that I might be free of this sin and the death that comes with it. Right now I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died for my sins, and that through His blood, His death and His resurrection I am saved. Thank you Jesus for Your love, Your grace, Your mercy, peace, and this great gift of eternal life. In Jesus Name. Amen.


It is important that we don’t just leave the person at this point and move on to the next. Jesus calls us, not just to lead people to Him, but to make disciples! Remember to always provide your brother or sister with a way forward – details for their local church or a number they can call or even text. The person you have led to Jesus is now a newborn Christian, and newborns Christians – just like new born babies, need care and support. Make sure you lead them, not only to Jesus, but also to a place where they can grow in their newfound relationship with God.


Hands and Feet

Hands and Feet

I remember years ago, as a volunteer in Hillbrow doing urban missions, I sat at a soup kitchen listening to testimonies from the local homeless population.

An older man got up and went to the front. The room fell silent as he started sharing. “I have never seen God give me bread or shelter…” He started. And I felt my heart jump. I thought to myself – this is not a testimony.

But the older man continued.

“But I have seen His children acting as his hands and feet to provide to our needs.”

Over the years this statement has stuck with me. This idea has shaped my ministry over the last 12 years. It is as Richard Rohr so beautifully puts it. Presence over preaching…

Peter shares the same kind of thought with us in his first epistle. In 1 Peter 2:9: he tells us that we are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation – a peculiar people – called out of darkness with the purpose of proclaiming his goodness to those who have not yet seen his love.

I like how the older translations put it – to shew forth the praises of Him who called us out of darkness. Not just to talk about it – but to practically demonstrate the Kingdom – to be ambassadors rather than citizens.

The old homeless man had a point. God uses us to facilitate His miracles. God uses us to provide and see to the needs of those who need Him. God uses us to care for the poor and disenfranchised. He uses us to bring about change. Gd works in us, He gives through us – and if He is present in our hearts, we will see His Kingdom present itself around us.

As believers and children of the Most High God, followers of the teachings of Christ we realize that we have a mission. This mission is given to us in Matthew 28 – in verse 16 the 11 disciples (sans Judas) go to the mountain in Galilee where Jesus had instructed them to go.

Here Jesus tells them the following: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Jesus gives us the great commission – this role is assigned to us as a body – the authority of Christ, and therefore also the responsibility that comes with it – is delegated to us.

We are to make disciples as Jesus had done.

I love the Gospel According to Mark. In the book of Mark Jesus is described as a man of action – He didn’t just preach – but came as a revolutionary. Shifting paradigms, shaking our way of thinking and showing us the way forward. We cannot simply tell the hungry man to find Christ. A roaring belly is not always open to the Gospel – we need to feed him. The naked man needs to be clothed lest he be distracted by the cold, unable to hear the good news being shared.

We need to actually do. Not just talk the talk, but actually walk as Jesus instructed us to. As Christ Himself demonstrated.

When His disciples wanted to send the crowds home to go and eat, saying: “We cannot feed them…”, Jesus rebuked them and multiplied what was there.

But God used a little boy and his lunchbox to do this.

Just like Moses was instructed to use the staff he had in his hand to demonstrate God’s power – just like David picked up 5 stones – God uses what we have at hand to change the world.

And as we give – as we pour out the oil – it is multiplied. As we fill the cups of others, our cup will be filled.

A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I would like to ask you to help us fulfill the mission by supporting our mission. Your contribution allows us to devote our time to preaching, teaching, counseling those who can’t afford it and deliverance ministry – both locally and internationally, online and in person.

It also allows us to devote our time to the creation of materials for use by individuals and groups for personal growth and discipleship – all available for free on this website. We are not asking for much – even the smallest drop in the bucket makes a huge difference. We only ask that your prayerfully go to the Lord and ask Him to guide you in your giving.

Please see this page for more information on how you can support the mission:


I Thank God

I Thank God

“Wandering into the night
Wanting a place to hide
This weary soul, this bag of bones
And I tried with all my mind
And I just can’t win the fight
I’m slowly drifting, oh vagabond
And just when I ran out of road
I met a man I didn’t know
And he told me
That I was not alone”

I Thank God, Maverick City Worship

““I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.”

Luke 12:8, NIV

Jesus came to show us The Way. He came to show us the model life, to give us an example according to which we can pattern our lives.

In Luke 12, in a passage where Jesus shares warnings and encouragements with those who would hear, He makes it clear that it is required of us to share the good news of His Gospel with others.

Jesus placed great emphasis on sharing the Gospel. Even in Luke 12 He admonished us not to fear those who can kill the body and after that do no more, but to rather fear God – for He has the authority over life, death and everything in between and beyond.

Jesus tells us to acknowledge Him publicly.

The Greek word here is ‘homologeó’ which most properly means to ‘speak the same, to agree.’

Jesus tells us to be like Him.

The confession here then is not one made merely by the lips – our public acknowledgement is not done through mere and mortal words – but is a practical manifestation of the belief in our hearts.

We share the good news of His Gospel primarily through presence.

I overcame drug addiction – not through preaching, teaching or even prayer – but through the presence of dear friends who had gone through the same.

We often overlook the power of being present in the life of another. We always want to talk, but very few of us want to walk with the downcast and downtrodden.

We all want to share our insights, but very few of us know how to just sit with the sad and defeated.

Many people sit in our churches week after week – they listen to the sermons, they participate in the worship, they read the word, the attend the prayer meetings – they do their disciplines at home – yet they see no change in their lives. This does not make them ungodly or lacking in spiritual wisdom – but it does show us where we are lacking in discernment when we look past them and neglect to reach out. How many invisible brothers and sisters are in our church?

By the same token I have seen, many times, the real world difference it makes when we as people connect – when we go and sit next to that person and community starts to form.

When, instead of competing for status or esteem we start complimenting and completing one another.

Man was not meant to be alone. Christianity wasn’t meant to be a club, it was supposed to be a community.

One of the main reasons Jesus healed so many people in His ministry here on Earth was to restore community. Disease, illness and infirmity were seen as a sign of present or inherited sin and affected your standing in the community. If you were sick, cripple or disabled you were an outcast – ostracised and pushed aside.

Jesus’ main objective in healing these people wasn’t simply to restore them to health, but to restore them to community.

So that they would no longer walk alone.

But it is not enough for us to only reach out to the loner sitting in the back of the church.

The main point of Jesus’ ministry was that the sinner is just as much our brother as the pharisee. The fact that they are far away does not diminish the love the Father has for His errant and lost children. God is married to the backslider. He loves all His children – but a lot of the time we don’t.

Are we the love of Christ to the loner, the loser, the lost and the blind? Do we care for the unseen, the unheard and even the unknown as Christ cared for them?

Or do we push them aside because of their sin sickness? Ostracize and cast out those who are unchurched and unwashed?

The song ‘I Thank God’ by Maverick City starts with a testimony – the story of a lost and lonely vagabond who encounters a man of flesh and bone, one who says: “You’re not alone!”

Maybe if we start thinking more like Jesus, living the testimony of His love by showing His love to the world we will see more testimonies being written in our midst. We will see our churches growing instead of shrinking. We will see people healed of their sin and shame as they realize that they don’t have to live that way anymore.

But how will they know if we don’t live out the truth of God’s Word among them?

What will we show them today?

How will we acknowledge Christ – not just through preaching – but through our presence in the world today?

Prayer: Lord, help me be a beacon of light in a dark and dying world. Help me show and not just tell them of Your love, mercy and grace. Help me Lord to see past the sin and shame of others and to love them like You loved me. Give me a heart that longs to journey with the backslider, patience that surpasses understanding – a heart and mind like Yours, oh Lord. Help me be present in the lives of others, and may my presence be Your presence in the midst of an unbelieving generation – so that we may see a great awakening in our community, our country and even the world. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Gratitude: Sharing Your Testimony

Gratitude: Sharing Your Testimony

“I could sing these songs
As I often do
But every song must end
And You never do”

Gratitude, Brandon Lake

“Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—
those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,
those he gathered from the lands,
from east and west, from north and south.”

Psalm 107:2-3, NIV

Worship is a response to what the Lord has done, and sometimes even a response to what He might do.

How then do we respond to the Creator, Saviour and Keeper of our souls?

The go to response for many of us is to break out in song and prayer. Today I want to suggest something else.

Our testimonies are a form of worship.

Psalm 107 starts with the words: Give thanks to the Lord!

Give thanks here, or ‘yadah’ in the Hebrew, is to heap thanksgiving and praise upon the Lord – to give Him praise, to worship Him, to lift up our hands and make confession of His goodness, His Glory and His great deeds in the Earth.

The Psalmist then instructs us how to render the fat of our praise unto the Lord.

To praise God is to make His name great amongst the peoples of the world. To make His name great is to go out and share what He has done. “Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story…”

This immediately brings to mind what Jesus told His disciples – “you will be my witnesses!”

Paul regularly shared his testimony with whoever would listen. We see this again and again in the book of Acts and in the Epistles that follow. The other Apostles did the same.

Our testimony is often the greatest form of worship we can give to God because it is the kind of worship that invites others into the fold as well.

True worship is like a flame that beckons others to come (See Psalm 103).

And sometimes it is quite simple – a handful of sentences shared in passing. Sometimes it is longer and full of twists and turns.

Regardless – your testimony has the power to change someone’s life for the better. It is the kind of worship that reproduces and multiplies.

A good place to start is to write down your testimony. Write down the highlights, briefly explore what you were like before you came to Jesus. Secondly, explain what happened – or rather how you came to Jesus. Finally, it is helpful to jot down what your life is like now that you have come to Christ – what change has occurred in your life? How do you feel? How has your situation improved?

Once you have done this it is easy to share the highlights of what God has done in your life with someone else.

Whether you share it with a close friend or an auditorium full of people – the process remains the same.

In this day and age where social media is so accessible you could even consider sharing your written testimony through a post on which ever platforms you use.

Sharing your testimony doesn’t need to be hard. It is actually quite simple – and it is a way to render the fat of your gratitude productively unto the Lord.

Prayer: Lord, help me today to remember You in every conversation and interaction I might have with those around me. Help me tell others of Your goodness and grace. Help me tell others about what it is You have done in my life. Show me the best way to show the world Your love and mercy – and give me the boldness to do so. Give me the boldness to be Your witness in this cold and lonely world. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Beauty of the Cross

Beauty of the Cross

“Oh wondrous love that called me out by name 
The one who made it all died to make a way
And every earthly gain I will count as loss 
I am redeemed, that’s the beauty of the cross” 

Beauty of the Cross, The Prestonwood Choir 

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 

1 Corinthians 1:18, NIV 

Jesus came to die so that we might live. 

It is easy for us to get sidetracked by the complexities of Scripture, End-Time thinking, promises of prosperity and the more mystical aspects of our Christian walk. While all of these things are important to consider it means absolutely nothing without a basic, foundational understanding of the Cross of Jesus Christ. 

We were lost to sin. We were counted as casualties of our own transgressions. We were distant and far away from God our Creator. 

Some of us still are. As much as we pray, prophesy or cast out demons – as much as we prosper in the Name of Jesus – many of us are still not truly rooted in Jesus. 

Jesus said the following: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’  And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practise lawlessness!’ 

The fruit of our Christian walk is not measured by the practice of power – even heathens and unbelievers can cast out demons – but the one thing they cannot do is give you Jesus to fill the gap left behind. 

Even unbelievers can ‘prophesy’ – but the Spirit of true prophecy is the Testimony of Jesus. 

Even unbelievers can prosper – the Bible teaches us this – but only a proper understanding of Christ and His Cross can give you true prosperity: the shalom of God, contentment in every circumstance and situation. 

We have in many ways been measuring our fruit according to the wisdom of this world – but the wisdom of this world is foolishness. 

The Cross offers us a paradigm shift – a change of perspective. We now count the world and its wealth, earthly gain and esteem as loss. 

The Cross of Christ offers us the opportunity to crucify the flesh, die to self and the world, sin and unrighteousness – and gives us new life as we stand up in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.  

You are called out by name! Called out of the grave of your transgressions – by name! Called out of the grave of spiritual loneliness and poverty – by name! 

When you were in darkness God saw you. God loved you! 

The fruit of our Christian walk is not measured in power, but in presence – the presence of God in your life. The presence of His peace, His love, His mercy, His grace, His capacity for forgiveness – the presence of the fruit of His Spirit in our lives – that is how we measure our spiritual growth.  

We do not measure the fruit of our Christian walk by our capacity to own – but in our capacity to give away without expecting returns and without agenda – our finances, our resources, our time, our love – sacrifice is the operative word! 

The grave is a solitary place – we put our dead in a coffin in the ground – there is no community. Jesus calls us out of the solitary and lonely graves of our selfishness into life – into community and fellowship – we measure the fruit of our Christian walk by looking at our selflessness. We do not measure our Christian walk by what or who we are but rather by what and who we are not – by what and who Christ is in and through us. The goal of the Christian life is to become less so that He might become more – so that we might be conformed in every way to Jesus.  

We strive for righteousness and holiness. We avoid sin like the plague. We keep our garments clean. We tend to the garden of our Christian walk through prayer, meditation and study, fellowship and community. We reach out to others with the same Hand that Jesus extended – love and mercy, goodness and grace.

The Christian walk is not about the practice of power – but the power of Christ in us is the practice of His Presence in a world that does not know Him.

Let us die to self so that others might find life in Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, let me become less so that You might become more. Help me die to self so that You might reign and rule in me. Show me the areas of my life that need to be surrendered for You to increase. Help me pursue presence more than power – Your presence in and through me. In Jesus Name. Amen.